有关驱动程序的更新通知 : 驱动程序库 API-TOOL for Windows


康泰克更新了驱动程序库 API-TOOL for Windows,请参照以下更新内容。


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模拟量输出输入 API-AIO(WDM) Ver8.01 -> Ver8.02
- Fixed a bug that BSoD may occur when recognizing the following devices in Windows 11.
 Target device: PCI board, PCI Express board
-Fixed a bug AiSamplingTimes value could not be obtained correctly when the return value of AioGetAiSamplingData function was 21585 in WOW64 mode.
 Target device: AI-1204Z-PE, G-Series
-Fixed a bug the return value may be 21426 when executing the following functions with G series device.
 Target functions: AioGetAiSamplingData, AioGetAiSamplingDataEx
数字量输出输入 API-DIO(WDM) Ver9.80 -> Ver9.81
- Fixed a bug that BSoD may occur when recognizing the following devices in Windows 11.
 Target device: PCI board, PCI Express board
计数 API-CNT(WDM) Ver6.70 -> Ver6.71
- Fixed a bug that BSoD may occur when recognizing the following devices in Windows 11.
 Target device: PCI board, PCI Express board
数字化仪 API-DIG(WDM) Ver4.50 -> Ver4.51
- Fixed a bug that BSoD may occur when recognizing the following devices in Windows 11.
 Target device: PCI board, PCI Express board
数字万用表 API-DMM(WDM) Ver2.50 -> Ver2.51
- Fixed a bug that BSoD may occur when recognizing the following devices in Windows 11.
 Target device: PCI board, PCI Express board



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