===================================================================== = CONTEC Device Utility Ver3.80 = = CONTEC Co., Ltd. = ===================================================================== - Contents ============ Introduction Notes Directory structure Support Device Usage Version up - Introduction ================ Thank you for using our products. CONTEC Device Utility is utility software used in following devices, setting the device, specifying the device name, updating the firmware. The following descriptions of CONTEC Device Utility includes some matters not shown in the help documents. - Notes ========= - It is necessary to install the device in advance. Refer to the manual or driver help for the procedure. - Check the driver help for supported OS of the driver. - Execute this utility with Administrator privilege. - Directory structure ============== +-- | +-- | | +-- ContecDeviceUtility.chm Utility help(English) | | | +-- | +-- ContecDeviceUtility.chm Utility help(Japanese) | +-- | +-- | +-- ReadmeE.txt Readme(English) *This file | +-- ReadmeJ.txt Readme(Japanese) | +-- +-- +--<32bit> | +-- ContecDeviceUtility.exe Utility file(for 32bit OS) | +--<64bit> +-- ContecDeviceUtility.exe Utility file(for 64bit OS) - Support Device ================== [Wireless I/O series] GW1-ETH-WQ, DIO-0404LY-WQ, AI-1004LY-WQ, GW1-ETH-WQ-EU, DIO-0404LY-WQ-EU, AI-1004LY-WQ-EU, GW1-ETH-WQ-US, DIO-0404LY-WQ-US, AI-1004LY-WQ-US, GW1-ETH-WQ-CN, DIO-0404LY-WQ-CN, AI-1004LY-WQ-CN, [CONPROSYS nano series] CPSN-MCB271-S1, CPSN-MCB271-1, CPSN-DIO-08SL, CPSN-DI-08L, CPSN-DI-08BL, CPSN-DI-16BCL, CPSN-DO-08L, CPSN-DO-08BL, CPSN-DO-08RL, CPSN-DO-08BRL, CPSN-DO-16L, CPSN-DO-16BL, CPSN-RRY-4PCA, CPSN-AI-1208LI, CPSN-AI-2408LI, CPSN-AO-1602LC, CPSN-CNT-3201I [USB I/O Unit – Module Type] CC-USB271-CPSN4 [USB device series] DIO-1616LN-USB, GPIB-FL2-USB, AI-1608VIN-USB, AI-1608AIN-USB, AO-1604VIN-USB, AO-1604AIN-USB, CNT-3204IN-USB, CAN-2-USB [Ethernet devices] DIO-1616LN-ETH, DIO-1616RYN-ETH, CNT-3204IN-ETH, AI-1608VIN-ETH, AI-1608AIN-ETH, AO-1604VIN-ETH, AO-1604AIN-ETH [Wi-Fi devices] CAN-2-WF - Usage ========= To start the utility, execute "ContecDeviceUtility.exe". For details, refer to Help "ContecDeviceUtility.chm". - Version up ============== Ver3.80 (2024.07) ----------------- - Added the usable device. Added device : CAN-2-USB, CAN-2-WF - Added the function to set the number of searches when re-detecting a device - Added the menu bar Ver3.70 (2024.06) ----------------- - Added the usable device. Added device : CPSN-DO-16L, CPSN-DO-16BL Ver3.61 (2024.04) ----------------- - Fixed a bug that the firmware update may fail through USB connection in Ver.3.60. Ver3.60 (2024.03) ----------------- - Added the usable device. Added device : DIO-1616RYN-ETH, CNT-3204IN-ETH, AI-1608VIN-ETH, AI-1608AIN-ETH, AO-1604VIN-ETH, AO-1604AIN-ETH - Added port settings for event notification or sampling. Support device : DIO-1616LN-ETH, DIO-1616RYN-ETH, CNT-3204IN-ETH - Checked the operation on Windows 11 23H2. Ver3.50 (2022.12) ----------------- - Checked the operation on Windows 10 22H2. Ver3.40 (2022.11) ----------------- - Checked the operation on Windows 11 22H2. Ver3.30 (2022.03) ----------------- - Add support OS Support OS: Microsoft Windows Server 2022 (64bit) Ver3.20 (2022.01) ----------------- - Checked the operation on Windows 10 21H2. - Add support OS Support OS: Microsoft Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2021 Ver3.10 (2021.12) ----------------- - Add support OS Support OS: Microsoft Windows 11 (64bit) Ver3.00 (2021.06) ----------------- - Checked the operation on Windows 10 21H1. - Fixed a bug that the utility could not detect CC-USB271-CPSN4 correctly when the Unit ID was set to other than FFh on CC-USB271-CPSN4. Ver2.90 (2021.02) ----------------- - Revise the support OS Support OS: Microsoft Windows Server 2019 (64bit) Microsoft Windows Server 2016 (64bit) Microsoft Windows 10 (32bit/64bit) - Added the usable device. Added device : CC-USB271-CPSN4 Ver2.80 (2021.01) ----------------- - Checked the operation on Windows 10 20H2. - Fixed a problem that Modbus TCP settings could not be changed in GW1-ETH-WQ-US Ver2.70 (2020.11) ----------------- - Added the usable device. Added device : CPSN-AO-1602LC, CPSN-CNT-3201I, CPSN-DIO-08SL CPSN-RRY-4PCA Ver2.60 (2020.07) ----------------- - Checked the operation on Windows 10 2004. Ver2.50 (2020.06) ----------------- - Changed the screen layout when selecting Wireless I/O series device. - Supported "Aging Time" setting of Wireless I/O series. Support device : GW1-ETH-WQ, DIO-0404LY-WQ, AI-1004LY-WQ GW1-ETH-WQ-EU, DIO-0404LY-WQ-EU, AI-1004LY-WQ-EU GW1-ETH-WQ-US, DIO-0404LY-WQ-US, AI-1004LY-WQ-US GW1-ETH-WQ-CN, DIO-0404LY-WQ-CN, AI-1004LY-WQ-CN - Supported "Priority Route" setting of Wireless I/O mode and "Hop Address" setting of CONPROSYS mode in slave device of Wireless I/O series for Japan. Support device : DIO-0404LY-WQ, AI-1004LY-WQ - Supported "Peer-to-Peer" mode setting and "DI Count" setting in DIO device of Wireless I/O series. Support device : DIO-0404LY-WQ, DIO-0404LY-WQ-EU DIO-0404LY-WQ-US, DIO-0404LY-WQ-CN Ver2.40 (2020.02) ----------------- - Added the usable device. Added device : CPSN-AI-2408LI Ver2.30 (2019.11) ----------------- - Checked the operation on Windows 10 19H2. Ver2.20 (2019.09) ----------------- - Add support OS Support OS: Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Ver2.10 (2019.08) ----------------- - Added the usable device. Added device : CPSN-DI-16BCL, CPSN-DO-08RL, CPSN-DO-08BRL Ver2.00 (2019.07) ----------------- - Added the usable device. Added device : CPSN-MCB271-1 Ver1.90 (2019.06) ----------------- - Checked the operation on Windows 10 19H1. Ver1.80 (2019.05) ----------------- - Added the usable device. Added device : GW1-ETH-WQ-CN, DIO-0404LY-WQ-CN, AI-1004LY-WQ-CN Ver1.70 (2019.04) ----------------- - Added the usable device. Added device : CNT-3204IN-USB - Supported display of the counter devices. Ver1.60 (2019.02) ----------------- - Added the usable device. Added device : AI-1608VIN-USB, AI-1608AIN-USB AO-1604VIN-USB, AO-1604AIN-USB Ver1.50 (2018.10) ----------------- - Added the usable device. Added device : GPIB-FL2-USB Ver1.40 (2018.07) ----------------- - Added the usable device. Added device : GW1-ETH-WQ-EU, DIO-0404LY-WQ-EU, AI-1004LY-WQ-EU GW1-ETH-WQ-US, DIO-0404LY-WQ-US, AI-1004LY-WQ-US - Added re-detect function of device. - Added manual detect function of device by IP address specification. Ver1.31 (2018.04) ----------------- - Fixed a problem that utility stops responding when selected Wireless I/O series device connected by USB which firmware is not normally loaded. Ver1.30 (2018.02) ----------------- - Supported the setting of digital filter initial value. Support device : DIO-0404LY-WQ - Supported the setting of fail-safe function. Support device : DIO-1616LN-ETH, DIO-0404LY-WQ - Supported the setting of encryption. Support device : GW1-ETH-WQ, DIO-0404LY-WQ, AI-1004LY-WQ - Supported the setting of CONPROSYS mode. Support device : DIO-0404LY-WQ, AI-1004LY-WQ Ver1.20 (2017.12) ----------------- - Added the usable device. Added device : AI-1004LY-WQ, CPSN-MCB271-S1, CPSN-DI-08L, CPSN-DI-08BL CPSN-DO-08L, CPSN-DO-08BL, CPSN-AI-1208LI Ver1.10 (2017.11) ----------------- - Added the usable device. Added device : GW1-ETH-WQ, DIO-0404LY-WQ Ver1.00 (2017.10) ----------------- - First release - Usable device : DIO-1616LN-ETH, DIO-1616LN-USB