=================================================================== = USB Windows COM Driver [COM-1(USB)] = = Ver1.80 = = CONTEC Co.,Ltd. = =================================================================== - Contents =========== Introduction Specification Restrictive Matter Hardware Setup Cautions Career at version up - Introduction =============== Thank you for purchasing this product. USB Windows COM Driver [COM-1(USB)] consists of the device driver for Microsoft 2000 or later. The software controls the CONTEC COM-1/1P/1PD(USB)H just like the COM ports on the PC under Windows 2000 or later. - Specification =============== Applicable OS [32bit] Microsoft Windows 10 Microsoft Windows 8.1 Microsoft Windows 8 Microsoft Windows 7 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Microsoft Windows Vista Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional [64bit Edition] Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Microsoft Windows 10 Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Microsoft Windows 8.1 Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Microsoft Windows 8 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Microsoft Windows 7 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Microsoft Windows Vista Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Microsoft Windows XP Professional MAX ports 127 ports Applicable models IBM PC/AT Series and compatibles Applicable terminal COM-1(USB)H, COM-1P(USB)H, COM-1PD(USB)H - Restrictive Matter ===================== Please note that this product is not intended for use with Windows Me/98/95, Windows NT3.51, 4.0 and Windows 3.1. In some cases, the actual number of available ports depends on the number of available USB ports on the PC. - Hardware Setup ================ - COM-1PD(USB)H Transfer mode and terminator setting The following settings are available: > Full duplex (RTS and CTS connected) > Full duplex (RTS and CTS not used) > Half duplex > Terminator inserted > Terminator not inserted - Cautions ========== * Setting COM ports You can set up the COM ports(data bits, parity, ...), using "Ports in Control Panel" or "Mode command in Command Prompt". However COM application useally sets up these parameters. * Setting COM ports No. COM port No. is allotted by OS automatically. You can change of COM port No. "Device Maneger"-"Port"-"Property"(Windows 2000 or later). * Programing You can use of Win32 COMM API ,Communication Control(MSComm) VisualBasic Version 6. (You can use MSComm in COM1-COM16.You can use MSCOMM for 32bit Oparating Systems.) SerialPort Class for VisualStudio.NET 2005 (or later). See the language references(Visual C++, Visual Basic, Win32SDK, ...) for details such as API specification. * About RTS/CTS Set FALSE to fOutxDsrFlow If want to use the RTS / CTS. fOutxDsrFlow takes precedence If set TRUE at the same time to fOutxCtsFlow and fOutxDsrFlow. * Range of the baud rate(bps) 300-921600 (bps) Ex.) 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 3600, 4800, 7200, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, 460800, 921600 etc * Upper limit of the baud rate The upper limit of the baud rate which can be set is dependent on the processing capacity(operating rate) and load(simultaneous execution with another program, etc.) of the PC in use. Communications at a rate higher that the upper limit will cause communications errors(overrun, parity, framing). Check the baud rate which can be set by actually conducting communications using one of the "Hiper Terminal" utility with operating system. * Caution version Up from 1.10 or earlier, to 1.20. When you install the COM-1(USB)H Ver.1.20 Driver, please uninstall the COM-1(USB)H Driver Ver.1.10 or earlier. Because, you overwrite the new driver on PC, stop the bluescreen. * Cannot support Windows XP Mode. - Career at version up ======================= Ver.1.80 2020/09 ---------------------------------------- - Add support development language Support language: Python 3.8(pySerial 3.4) Ver.1.70 2020/07/13 ---------------------------------------- - Checked the operation on Windows 10 2004. Ver.1.60 2019/11/26 ---------------------------------------- - Checked the operation on Windows 10 19H2. Ver.1.50 2019/09/27 ---------------------------------------- - Begin support OS. [64bit Operating System] Windows Server 2019 Ver.1.40 2019/06/25 ---------------------------------------- - Checked the operation on Windows 10 19H1. Ver.1.31 2018/01/08 ---------------------------------------- - Begin support OS. [64bit Operating System] Windows Server 2016 Ver.1.30 2017/03/06 ---------------------------------------- - Supports "Driver Signing policy changes in Windows 10". Ver.1.28 2015/12/09 ---------------------------------------- - Begin support SHA-2 signature. - Begin support VB.NET/VCS sample for VB2015/VCS2015. Ver.1.27 2015/11/10 ---------------------------------------- - Begin support OS. [32bit Operating System] Windows 10 [64bit Operating System] Windows 10 Ver.1.26 2015/06/24 ---------------------------------------- - Fixed a bug that fails to install in the English version OS. Ver.1.25 2014/06/11 ---------------------------------------- - Fixed a problem that is not recognized correctly in a specific PC. Ver.1.24 2014/01/30 ---------------------------------------- - Begin support OS. [32bit Operating System] Windows 8.1 [64bit Operating System] Windows Server 2008 R2 Windows Server 2012 R2 Windows 8.1 - Correct the error that FIFO buffer screen for changing the property page is display. Ver.1.23 2013/01/24 ---------------------------------------- - Begin support OS. [32bit Operating System] Windows 8 [64bit Operating System] Windows Server 2012 Windows 8 Ver.1.22 2010/12/10 ---------------------------------------- - Correct the error that computer locks if WriteFile is called for 3 times after Xoff is set. Ver.1.21 2010/11/19 ---------------------------------------- - Correct the error in the install document of Windows 7. Driver was not changed. Ver.1.20 2009/12/28 ---------------------------------------- - Begin support OS. [32bit Operating System] Windows 7 Windows Server 2008 [64bit Operating System] Windows 7 Windows Server 2008 Windows Vista Windows Server 2003 Windows XP Professional Edition - When connect USB socket , TX signal Line send data. Fixed cannot send data to TX signal Line. Ver.1.10 2007/05/03 ---------------------------------------- [bugfix] - After Xon set, computer locked when port close. - When specific usb equipment is used,COM port cannnot open. Ver.1.03 2007/03/01 ---------------------------------------- - Begin support OS. Windows Vista. Driver file not change. Ver.1.02 2005/11/11 ---------------------------------------- - Begin support OS. Windows Server 2003 Driver file not change. Ver.1.01 2004/11/26 ---------------------------------------- - It corrects that it may be unable to recognize normally depending on PC.(Code 31 Error) Driver file not change. Ver.1.00 2004/08/24 ---------------------------------------- - New release