===================================================================== = Windows Driver for Digital I/O Driver = = API-DIO(WDM) Ver.10.20 = = CONTEC Co., Ltd. = ===================================================================== - Contents ========== Introduction Notes Installation The history of version-up - Introduction ============== Thank you for purchasing this product. The following description is a supplementary explanation for API-DIO(WDM). Please refer to Online Help CDIO.chm for how to use API-DIO(WDM). - Notes ======= In the following cases, the maximum size of the buffer for bus master is limited. In Windows 64 bit OS and Windows 32 bit OS, PAE (Physical Address Extension) is enabled. In Windows 64 bit OS or Windows 32 bit OS, PAE (Physical Address Extension) is enabled, and [Memory Reclaiming] functionality is enabled by BIOS setting of the PC (matherboard) in which a board is plugged. * According to PC (motherboard), there is the case that [Memory Reclaiming] functionality cannot be changed to Enabled/Disabled by BIOS setting, therefore, please confirm in advance. * Up to 2 Mbyte for Windows 10 Version 1703 and later, up to 1 Mbyte for earlier OS. The target device PIO-32DM(PCI), DIO-32DM-PE, DIO-32DM2-PE - Installation ============== For the installation procedure of the device driver and the development environment (sample programs, etc.), refer to the following help file after extracting the download file. Help\ENG\APITOOL.chm - The history of version-up =========================== Ver.10.10 -> 10.20 (Web Release 2024.12) ---------------------------------------- - Add support development language Support language: Python 3.13 - End of support for the following development languages Python 3.8 Ver.10.00 -> 10.10 (Web Release 2024.05) ---------------------------------------- - Add support application framework Support application framework: .NET8 - Add DigitalClockPerformance utility Ver.9.90 -> 10.00 (Web Release 2024.04) ---------------------------------------- - Add support device Support device: CPSN-DO-16L CPSN-DO-16BL Ver.9.81 -> 9.90 (Web Release 2024.03) ---------------------------------------- - Checked the operation on Windows 11 23H2 - Add support development language Support language: Python 3.12 - Add support device Support device: DIO-1616RYN-ETH - Support interrupt function and trigger function Support device: DIO-1616LN-ETH (Support Firmware Ver.1.20 or later) Target functions: DioNotifyInterrupt DioSetInterruptCallBackProc DioNotifyTrg DioStopNotifyTrg DioSetTrgCallBackProc Ver.9.80 -> 9.81 (Web Release 2023.10) ---------------------------------------- - Fixed a bug that BSoD may occur when recognizing the following devices in Windows 11. Target device: PCI board PCI Express board Ver.9.70 -> 9.80 (Web Release 2022.12) ---------------------------------------- - Checked the operation on Windows 10 22H2 - Fixed the VB.NET and C# header files (Cdio.vb, CdioCs.cs) because the values were not passed normally when calling the following functions. Target functions: DioNotifyInterrupt DioNotifyTrg DioDmSetStopEvent DioDmSetCountEvent Ver.9.60 -> 9.70 (Web Release 2022.11) ---------------------------------------- - Add support development language Support language: Python 3.11 - Checked the operation on Windows 11 22H2 Ver.9.50 -> 9.60 (Web Release 2022.09) ---------------------------------------- - Add support development language Support language: Microsoft Visual Basic .NET 2022 Microsoft Visual C# 2022 Microsoft Visual C++ (MFC) 2022 - End of support for the following development languages Microsoft Visual Basic .NET 2010,2012,2013 Microsoft Visual C# 2010,2012,2013 Microsoft Visual C++ (MFC) 2010,2012,2013 Ver.9.40 -> 9.50 (Web Release 2022.03) ---------------------------------------- - Add support OS Support OS: Microsoft Windows Server 2022 (64bit) Ver.9.30 -> 9.40 (Web Release 2022.01) ---------------------------------------- - Add support development language Support language: Python 3.10 - Checked the operation on Windows 10 21H2 - Add support OS Support OS: Microsoft Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2021 Ver.9.21 -> 9.30 (Web Release 2021.12) ---------------------------------------- - Add support OS Support OS: Microsoft Windows 11 (64bit) Ver.9.20 -> 9.21 (Web Release 2021.10) ---------------------------------------- - Fixed the following bugs of devices accessed via LAN. When another function is executed after an error occurs in DioInit, it may freeze. When DioInit is executed again after an error occurs in DioInit, it ends normally. - Fixed a bug that function processing may not be returned when using a device accessed via LAN in multiple threads. Ver.9.10 -> 9.20 (Web Release 2021.06) ---------------------------------------- - Checked the operation on the following OS Target OS: Microsoft Windows 10 21H1 Microsoft Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC Microsoft Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSB 2016 - Support trigger function Support device: DIO-xxxX-USB DIO-xxxY-USB DIO-xxxN-USB DIO-48DX-USB DIO-24DY-USB DI-16TY-USB CPSN-DIO-08SL(CC-USB271) CPSN-DI-08xL(CC-USB271) CPSN-DI-16BCL(CC-USB271) - Fixed a bug that function processing may not be completed when the following products are operated in multithread. Target device: GW1-ETH-WQ GW1-ETH-WQ-EU GW1-ETH-WQ-US GW1-ETH-WQ-CN CPSN-MCB271-S1-041 CPSN-MCB271-1-041 Ver.9.00 -> 9.10 (Web Release 2021.04) ---------------------------------------- - Add support development language Support language: Python 3.9 Ver.8.00 -> 9.00 (Web Release 2021.02) ---------------------------------------- - Add support controller Support controller: CC-USB271-CPSN4 - Revise the support OS Support OS: Microsoft Windows Server 2019 (64bit) Microsoft Windows Server 2016 (64bit) Microsoft Windows 10 (32bit/64bit) - End of support for the following devices PIO-16/16L(CB)H, PIO-48D(CB)H, PIO-32/32L(CPCI), PI-64L(CPCI), PO-64L(CPCI) - Fixed a bug that the generating of the DIO-32DM3-PE may stop with FIFO Empty at the next start if it is stopped without satisfying the start condition. Ver.7.90 -> 8.00 (Web Release 2020.12) ---------------------------------------- - Checked the operation on Windows 10 20H2. - Supported Windows 10 security policy (memory integrity). - Fixed a bug that the elapsed time could not be acquired correctly by API-TIMER(WDM) when using DIO-32DM3-PE. Ver.7.80 -> 7.90 (Web Release 2020.11) ---------------------------------------- - Add support device Support device: CPSN-RRY-4PCA CPSN-DIO-08SL DIO-1616E-LPE Ver.7.60 -> 7.80 (Web Release 2020.09) ---------------------------------------- - Add support development language Support language: Python 3.8 Ver.7.50 -> 7.60 (Web Release 2020.07) ---------------------------------------- - Checked the operation on Windows 10 2004. Ver.7.40 -> 7.50 (Web Release 2020.06) ---------------------------------------- - Supports counter function functions (supported firmware required) Support device: DIO-0404LY-WQ DIO-0404LY-WQ-EU DIO-0404LY-WQ-US DIO-0404LY-WQ-CN Ver.7.30 -> 7.40 (Web Release 2020.04) ---------------------------------------- - Integrate the USB driver - Revise the support OS Support OS: Microsoft Windows Server 2019 (64bit) Microsoft Windows Server 2016 (64bit) Microsoft Windows 10 (32bit/64bit) Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 (64bit) Microsoft Windows 8.1 (32bit/64bit) Microsoft Windows 7 (32bit/64bit) - Revise the support development language Support language: Microsoft Visual Basic .NET (2010,2012,2013,2015,2017,2019) Microsoft Visual C# (2010,2012,2013,2015,2017,2019) Microsoft Visual C++ (MFC) (2010,2012,2013,2015,2017,2019) Ver.7.20 -> 7.30 ---------------------------------------- - Checked the operation on Windows 10 19H2. Ver.7.10 -> 7.20 ---------------------------------------- - Add support OS Support OS: Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Ver.7.10 -> 7.11 ---------------------------------------- - Fixed a bug that some errors did not occur in B and C when running 32bit application on 64bit OS. - Fixed the following problems that was occurring when using PIO-32DM(PCI), DIO-32DM-PE or DIO-32DM2-PE. - When you stopped generating in DioDmTransferStop(), the transfer completion event that I set in DioDmSetStopEvent() may not occur. - A blue screen occurs during bus master transfer at the time of use in the environment where the maximum size of the buffer for bus master is confined to. - Fixed a bug that the echo back value may not be acquired correctly with the following functions when DIO-32DM3-PE is executed in 16-bit input and 16-bit output mode. - DioEchoBackByte() - DioEchoBackBit() Ver.7.00 -> 7.10 ---------------------------------------- - Add support development language Support language: Microsoft Visual Basic 2019 Microsoft Visual C# 2019 Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 - Add support device Support device: CPSN-DI-16BCL CPSN-DO-08RL CPSN-DO-08BRL Ver.6.90 -> 7.00 ---------------------------------------- - Add support controller Support controller: CPSN-MCB271-1-041 Ver.6.81 -> 6.90 ---------------------------------------- - Checked the operation on Windows 10 19H1. Ver.6.71 -> 6.81 ---------------------------------------- - Add support device Support device: DIO-0404LY-WQ-CN - Fixed the following problems that was occurring when using DIO-32DM3-PE. - When the DIODM_STATUS_SGOVERIN error occurs during use by slave setting, the SlaveHalt signal is not output. - The bus master transfer may stop at the time of the infinite transfer. - When DioDmTransferStart function is executed during the bus master transfer, the bus master transfer stops. - Cannot acquire an elapsed time by TimCountLap function of the API-TIMER(WDM) driver. - When you start input and the output by the bi-direction bus master transfer at the same time, the output is delayed and starts. - If specified a clock unit other than usec with the DioDmSetInternalClock function, the normal clock speed is not reflected. Ver.6.70 -> 6.71 ---------------------------------------- - Fixed a problem where OS freezes when starting the bus master transfer repeatedly. Ver.6.61 -> 6.70 ---------------------------------------- - Add support device Support device: CPS-DIO-0808L CPS-DIO-0808BL CPS-DIO-0808RL CPS-RRY-4PCC CPS-DI-16L CPS-DI-16RL CPS-DO-16L CPS-DO-16RL DIO-CPS-BXC200 - Fixed a problem that sampling data cannot be collected correctly when DIO-32DM3-PE stops halfway during sampling. Ver.6.60 -> 6.61 ---------------------------------------- - Fixed a problem that the DIO_ERR_INI_NO_MATCH_DRV_VERSION error returned in English OS. Ver.6.50 -> 6.60 (Ver.Jul.2018) ---------------------------------------- - Add support device Support device: DIO-32DM3-PE - Add the error code(22065) Ver.6.40 -> 6.50 ---------------------------------------- - Add support device Support device: DIO-0404LY-WQ-EU DIO-0404LY-WQ-US Ver.6.32 -> 6.40 ---------------------------------------- - Add support device Support device: CPSN-DI-08L CPSN-DI-08BL CPSN-DO-08L CPSN-DO-08BL - Support digital filter Support device: DIO-1616LN-ETH DIO-0404LY-WQ - Support failsafe funciton Support device: DIO-1616LN-ETH DIO-0404LY-WQ Ver.6.31 -> 6.32 ---------------------------------------- - Fixed a problem that demo device does not work. Ver.6.30 -> 6.31 ---------------------------------------- - Fixed a problem that sampling data could not be acquired correctly when bus master product was used with Windows 10 RS 2 or later. Ver.6.20 -> 6.30 ---------------------------------------- - Add support OS Support OS: Microsoft Windows Server 2016 - Add support device Support device: DIO-0404LY-WQ Ver.6.00 -> 6.20 (Ver.Nov.2017) ---------------------------------------- - Add support device Support device: DIO-1616LN-ETH Ver.6.00 -> 6.10 (API-USBP Ver.5.00) ---------------------------------------- - Add support device Support device: DIO-1616LN-USB Ver.5.501 -> 6.00 (Web Release) ---------------------------------------- - Add support development language Support language: Microsoft Visual Basic 2017 Microsoft Visual C# 2017 Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Ver.5.50 -> 5.501 ---------------------------------------- - Fixed a problem where API-TIMER(WDM) TimInit could not be executed before executing DioInit. Ver.5.40 -> 5.50 (Web Release) ---------------------------------------- - Support "Driver Signing policy changes in Windows 10". - If transfer infinitely in 64bit OS, the fault which may not be able to acquire the sampling data normally is corrected. - The support on the following OS was terminated (USB device) Microsoft Windows 98 and Second Edition Microsoft Windows Me Ver.5.31 -> 5.40 (Web Release) ---------------------------------------- - Add support development language Support language: Microsoft Visual Basic 2015 Microsoft Visual C# 2015 Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Ver.5.20 -> 5.31 ---------------------------------------- - In an environment that is recognized the memory more than 4G Byte, if the setting of sampling buffer is transfer infinitely, the fault which may not be able to acquire the sampling data normally is corrected. Ver.5.20 -> 5.30 (API-USBP(WDM) Ver.4.80) ---------------------------------------- - Add support device Support device: DIO-128SLX-USB Ver.5.10 -> 5.20 (Web Release) ---------------------------------------- - Add support OS Support OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Microsoft Windows 10 x64 Edition - Support SHA-2 signature Ver.5.00 -> 5.10 (Ver.Jul.2015) ---------------------------------------- - Add support device Support device: DIO-1616L-LPE DIO-1616B-LPE Ver.4.51 -> 5.00 (Ver.Dec.2014) ---------------------------------------- - Add support OS Support OS: Microsoft Windows 8.1 Microsoft Windows 8.1 x64 Edition Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 - Add support development language Support language: Microsoft Visual Basic 2013 Microsoft Visual C# 2013 Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 - Add support device Support device: DIO-32DM2-PE Ver.4.40 -> 4.51 ---------------------------------------- - Reduced the occurrence frequency of error DIO_ERR_SYS_USING_OTHER_PROCESS in the case of forced termination from the development environment. - The fault is corrected, which an error indicating that [Contec USB Service] has failed to start is recorded in the event log, if a USB device was unpluged without uninstalling the driver. Ver.4.31 -> 4.40 (Web Release) ---------------------------------------- - Add support OS Support OS: Microsoft Windows 8 Microsoft Windows 8 x64 Edition - Add support development language Support language: Microsoft Visual Basic 2012 Microsoft Visual C# 2012 Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Ver.4.30 -> 4.31 (Web Release) ---------------------------------------- - When it installs except Japanese environment, by other languages, it is an English display. - In bus master transmission, if it sets up so that the completion event of specification number transmission may go up frequently, the fault which may become a blue screen will be corrected. Ver.4.25 -> 4.30 (Web Release) ---------------------------------------- - Support WOW64 (Since Windows 7) Ver.4.23 -> 4.25 ---------------------------------------- - When the memory of 4 or more GByte is carried in 64BitOS, the fault which may be unable to acquire normally the sampling data based on bus master transmission is corrected. Ver.4.22 -> 4.23 ---------------------------------------- - When Multi I/O functions (DioInpMultiBit(), DioOutMultiBit() etc.) are running in multithread or multiprocess, trouble which cause the input data or output data to lost is corrected. (Except for DI-16(USB), DO-16(USB), DIO-8/8(USB), DI-32(USB), DO-32(USB), DIO-16/16(USB)) Ver.4.21 -> 4.22 ---------------------------------------- - When an I/O function is executed with DIO-48DX-USB which is input to high-rate pulses, trouble which cause the application to lock is corrected. Ver.4.20 -> 4.21 (API-USBP(WDM) Ver.4.61) ---------------------------------------- - The fault which the output logic of an initial state has reversed in DIO-0808RN-USB is corrected. Ver.4.11 -> 4.20 (Web Release) ---------------------------------------- - Add support development language Support language: Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 - Demonstration device (DIO-6464-DEMO) is added (USB driver). - When two or more USB devices including the other categories are used in the same process, trouble with the USB devices that doesn't work normally is corrected. Ver.4.00 -> 4.11 ---------------------------------------- - After returning from standby, trouble that running DioNotifyTrg() may become a blue screen is corrected. Ver.3.50 -> 4.00 (API-USBP(WDM) Ver.4.50) ---------------------------------------- - Add support device Support device: DIO-1616HN-USB DIO-0808RN-USB Ver.3.41 -> 3.50 (Ver.Mar.2011) ---------------------------------------- - Add support device Support device: DI-128RL-PCI DO-128RL-PCI Ver.3.40 -> 3.41 ---------------------------------------- - When function DioOutBit or DioOutMultiBit is being used for the device with 8255, trouble that the output data to the bits except the specified bit in the ouput port might be changed is corrected. Ver.3.31 -> 3.40 (API-USBP(WDM) Ver.4.20) ---------------------------------------- - Add support OS (USB device) Support OS: Microsoft Windows 7 x64 Edition Microsoft Windows Server 2008 x64 Edition Microsoft Windows Vista x64 Edition Microsoft Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition - Add support device Support device: DIO-48DX-USB RRY-16CX-USB Ver.3.30 -> 3.31 ---------------------------------------- - The trouble that Windows cannot be normally terminated is corrected. Ver.3.26 -> 3.30 (Ver.Jan.2010) ---------------------------------------- - Add support OS (Except for USB device) Support OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Microsoft Windows 7 x64 Edition [API-USBP(WDM) Ver.4.10] - Add support OS (USB device) Support OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 - Add support device Support device: DIO-6464LX-USB DIO-1616RYX-USB DIO-1616BX-USB - When DioResetDevice() is executed with DIO-1616LX-USB and DIO-3232LX-USB, trouble where the output is not reset is corrected. Ver.3.24 -> 3.26 ---------------------------------------- - The trouble that might become blue screen when the event notification is used is corrected. Ver.3.23 -> 3.24 (Web Release) ---------------------------------------- - Trouble from which the status of DIODM_STATUS_BMSTOP might stand earlier than the fact is corrected by the DioDmGetStatus function. Ver.3.21 -> 3.23 (Web Release) ---------------------------------------- - Trouble to which DIO-0808TY-USB and DO-16TY-USB cannot be normally output is corrected with Ver3.10. Ver.3.20 -> 3.21 (Ver.Mar.2009) ---------------------------------------- - Trouble to which the pattern matching condition cannot be normally set by the DioDmSetStartPattern function is corrected. Ver.3.10 -> 3.20 (Web Release) ---------------------------------------- - Add support OS (Except for USB device) Support OS: Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 x64 Edition Ver.3.03 -> 3.10 (Ver.Jan.2009) ---------------------------------------- - Add support development language Support language: Microsoft Visual C++(C++/CLI) 2005 Microsoft Visual C++(C++/CLI) 2008 - Add support device Support device: DIO-32DM-PE [API-USBP(WDM) Ver.3.80 for DIO] - Add support device Support device: DIO-1616LX-USB DIO-3232LX-USB Ver.3.02 -> 3.03 (Ver.Oct.2008) ---------------------------------------- - The Trigger sample for VB.NET corrects the trouble that doesn't operate in 64bit version OS. Ver.3.01 -> 3.02 (Web Release) ---------------------------------------- - Add support development language Support language: Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Microsoft Visual C# 2008 Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 [API-USBP(WDM) Ver.3.80] - Add support development language Support language: Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Microsoft Visual C# 2008 Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Ver.3.00 -> 3.01 (Web Release) ---------------------------------------- - Trouble where the exception is generated in the callback function when the debug mode of VisualStudio 2005 is executed with the InterruptCallback sample for C#.NET is corrected. - When the driver in 32bit version Windows Vista is installed, trouble to which the message box with "Register Server stopped working and closed" might be displayed is corrected. - When two or more CPU-CA10 is connected, trouble with the device that doesn't work normally after CntInit is corrected. Ver.2.54 -> 3.00 (Ver.Apr.2008) ---------------------------------------- - Add support device Support device: DI-64T-PE DO-64T-PE DI-32T-PE DO-32T-PE DIO-48D-PE DIO-96D-LPE DI-128T-PE DO-128T-PE - Support API-TIMER(WDM) - When the general-purpose output function is executed with PIO-32DM(PCI), trouble that might output the incorrect data to the port that has not been output excluding the specified output port is corrected. Ver.2.53 -> 2.54 ---------------------------------------- - Trouble not to be able to acquire information on DI-32(USB), DO-32(USB) in the DioGetDeviceInfo function is corrected. - Because Lib file "CDioBld.lib" for C++Builder was not able to be used normally, it replaces it with the latest version. Ver.2.52 -> 2.53 ---------------------------------------- - The bus master forwarding beginning condition is set with an external trigger, it stops with DioDmTransferStop() with forwarding beginning condition approval waited, and the trouble that becomes a blue screen when the general purpose is input and output is corrected. Ver.2.51 -> 2.52 (Web Release) ---------------------------------------- - The trouble that might become DIO_ERR_DLL_CALL_DRIVER error by the DioDmSetBuffer function is corrected. - Trouble whose value returned from DioGet8255Mode is an irregular value is corrected until the DioSet8255Mode function is executed when the driver starts (Ver.2.50 or later). Ver.2.50 -> 2.51 (Ver.Jan.2008) ---------------------------------------- - Trouble with wrong information on the filter and the number of interrupt possible bits is corrected by the DioGetDeviceInfo function in RRY-32(PCI)H and RRY-16C(PCI)H. - Trouble to which the DIO_ERR_SYS_RECOVERED_FROM_STANDBY error was not returned by the function for the bus master when returning from the standby mode is corrected. - Trouble to which 10003 errors are returned when DioInit is executed with DIO-0808LY-USB is corrected. Ver.2.43 -> 2.50 ---------------------------------------- - Add support device Support device: RRY-32-PE RRY-16C-PE DIO-1616RY-PE - Trouble in which a part of file is not installed with INF file is corrected. Ver.2.42 -> 2.43 (API-USBP(WDM) Ver.3.70) ---------------------------------------- - Add support device Support device: DIO-0808TY-USB DI-16TY-USB DO-16TY-USB - Trouble not to be able to acquire information on DIO-16/16(USB) in the DioGetDeviceInfo function is corrected. - Update USB Driver's DLL and Propaty page's DLL. - It corresponds to the device name automatic operation setting. Ver.2.41 -> 2.42 (Web Release 2007.10) ---------------------------------------- - Solve the problem that occures while using ACX-PAC(W32) Ver.2.40 -> 2.41 (Ver.Oct.2007) ---------------------------------------- - Add support development language Support language: Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition Microsoft Visual C# 2005 Express Edition - Trouble in which the setting according to the DioDmSetTransferStartWait function is not reflected is corrected. - Trouble which the declaration of the DioSet8255Mode function and the DioGet8255Mode function had come off by the header file for VB6 is corrected. - Trouble with a wrong declaration of the argument of the DioSet8255Mode function and the DioGet8255Mode function is corrected with the header file for VB.NET. Ver.2.30 -> 2.40 ---------------------------------------- - Add support device Support device: DI-32B-PE DO-32B-PE DIO-1616H-PE DIO-3232H-PE DIO-1616RL-PE DIO-3232RL-PE - To acquire the list of the device that exists in DioQueryDeviceName normally even if information on the device that doesn't exist remains, it changes. Ver.2.20 -> 2.30 ---------------------------------------- - To complete the bus master forwarding at that time when the buffer for the bus master is set in the thread, and the thread is ended with the bus master forwarded, the specification is changed. - Demonstration device (DIO-6464-DEMO) is added. Ver.2.10 -> 2.20 (Ver.Jun.2007) ---------------------------------------- - Add support OS (Except for USB device) Support OS: Microsoft Windows Vista x64 Edition Microsoft Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition - Trouble with the possibility that data cannot be normally taken by the bus master forwarding is corrected. - Trouble where the error of DIO_ERR_DLL_CALL_DRIVER might occur when the bus master forwarding is repeatedly executed is corrected. - The bus master's forwarding completion notification corrects trouble from which dependence might be actually notified a lot. - Trouble to which the DIO_ERR_SYS_MEMORY error might be returned by the DioDmSetBuffer function when the forwarding completion notification is not used by the bus master's output is corrected. Ver.2.02 -> 2.10 (Web Release) ---------------------------------------- - Add support device Support device: DIO-96D2-LPCI - It is corrected that the registration of the callback function is cleared by the DioExit function. Ver.1.30 -> 2.02 (Ver.Feb.2007) ---------------------------------------- - Support devices on bus other than USB [API-USBP(WDM) Ver.3.60] - Add support OS Support OS: Microsoft Windows Vista - Add digital-signing to device driver - Add device driver auto-installation function Ver.1.21 -> 1.30 (Web Release) ---------------------------------------- - Multiple byte/bit I/O function is added to the support function of DIO-24DY-USB and DIO-0808LY-USB. - When the DioGetIoDirection() function is used with DIO-24DY-USB, trouble not to be able to acquire a set value normally is corrected. - Fault correction that DioGetMaxPorts() doesn't operate normally. Ver.1.20 -> 1.21 (API-USBP(WDM) Ver.3.30) ---------------------------------------- - Add support OS (USB device) Support OS: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 - Update USB Driver's DLL and Propaty page's DLL. Ver.1.10 -> 1.20 (API-USBP(WDM) Ver.3.20) ---------------------------------------- - Add support device Support device: DIO-24DY-USB DIO-0808LY-USB Ver.1.01 -> 1.10 (API-USBP(WDM) Ver.3.00) ---------------------------------------- - Add support device Support device: DIO-16/16(USB) DI-32(USB) DO-32(USB) - Fault correction that event operation (interrupt transfer) stops. - Fault correction that a memory leak occurred in the initialization function. - Fault correction that was not able to be used excluding Administrator. - Fault correction that cannot be initialized after USB cable is removed and connected without doing termination. - Fault correction that the number of I/O ports could not be acquired. - Fault correction of device recognition problem, when using USB input/output modules and the I/O controller module CPU-CA10(USB) at the same time. - Fault correction of DioNotifyTrg() function. Ver.1.00 -> 1.01 (API-USBP(WDM) Ver.2.00) ---------------------------------------- - Support I/O controller module CPU-CA10(USB). - Add the Digital Filter functions.