===================================================================== = General I/O Driver = = IO-LIB(W95/NT) Ver3.12 = = CONTEC Co.,Ltd. = ===================================================================== - Contents =========== Introduction Restrictions Notes The files installed Sample programs Career at version up - Introduction ============== Thank you for purchasing this product. The following descriptions of the IO-LIB(W95/NT) includes some material not shown in the help messages. Be sure to read it carefully. - Restrictions ============== This product corresponds to WindowsMe/98SE/98/95, and Windows Vista/Server 2003/ XP/2000/NT. Keep in mind that it does not correspond to Windows 3.1 and 16Bit application. - Notes ======= - In case of installing this product for Windows Vista/Server 2003/XP/2000/NT, please be sure to login by Administrator. - In case of executing "IO-LIB Configuration", please be sure to login by Administrator. - How to install ===================== - Please execute the installer developed with the following places when you download it from our homepage. Development Emvironment(Full Set) C:\TEMP\APIPAC\IOLIB\Disk1\Setup.exe Run-Time Emvironment(Run-Time only) C:\TEMP\APIPAC\Runtime\IOLIB\Disk1\Setup.exe * C:\TEMP: extract place of default - The files installed ===================== - This product uses a setup program to install files in the System directory or other directory designated by the user in the following configuration. - If another API-TOOL drivers have already been installed, the files will be installed in that directory. \ CONFIG\CONFIG.EXE Configuration program to start device driver. CONFIG.EXE. HELP\IOLIBNTD.CHM Help File *1 SAMPLES\ Sample programs *1 *1 It is not installed in "RunTime Install". \\System - Common files for API-TOOL MSGECHO.OCX OCX for event in VB MSGECHO.DEP For Distribution Wizard - System files for IO-LIB(W95) IOLIB.DLL DLL file for calling device driver IOLIB.VXD Device driver IOLIB.DEP For Distribution Wizard - Common files for OS OC30.DLL Used in MSGECHO.OCX MFCANS32.DLL " OLEPRO32.DLL " OLEAUT32.DLL " MSVCRT20.DLL " \\system32 - Common files for API-TOOL MSGECHO.OCX OCX for event in VB MSGECHO.DEP For Distribution Wizard - System files for IO-LIB(NT) IOLIB.DLL DLL file for calling device driver IOLIB.DEP For Distribution Wizard - Common files for OS OC30.DLL Used in MSGECHO.OCX MFCANS32.DLL " OLEPRO32.DLL " OLEAUT32.DLL " MSVCRT20.DLL " \\system32\drivers - System files for IO-LIB(NT) IOLIB.SYS Device driver - Sample programs ================= The sample programs consist of the following directories for every language. \ | +--\IOLIB | +--\SAMPLES | +--\INC Include(header) file for C/C++ | Module file for VB | +--\LIB Library file for C/C++ | +--\BC45 Sample program for Borland C++(C language)Ver4.52 | +--\VB4 Sample program for Visual Basic Ver4.0(32bit) | +--\VB6 Sample program for Visual Basic Ver6.0 | +--\VBNET Sample program for Visual Basic.NET | +--\VC2C Sample program for VisualC++(C language)Ver2.0 | +--\VC2CPP Sample program for VisualC++(C++)Ver2.0 | +--\VC6C Sample program for VisualC++(C language)Ver6.0 | +--\VC6CPP Sample program for VisualC++(C++)Ver6.0 | +--\VCNET Sample program for Visual C++.NET | +--\VCs Sample program for Visual C#.NET Explanation of a folder \IOLIB\SAMPLES\INC There is a file which performed the function definition for C/C++ , and VB. When a program is constructed, please use these files, include it in case of C/C++, add it to a project in case of VB. Moreover, please do not edit these files. \IOLIB\SAMPLES\LIB There is a LIB file for C/C++. When a program is constructed, add them to a project. In addition, the file is divided into for the VisualC++, and the BorlandC++. IoLib.lib for VisualC++ IoLibBc.lib for BorlandC++ - Career at version up ====================== Ver3.11->Ver3.12 (Ver. Feb.2007) ----------------- - Support Windows Vista. Ver3.10->Ver3.11 (Ver. Aug.2006) ----------------- - The explanation of the installation method is added to "Readme.txt". Ver3.00->Ver3.10 (Ver. Aug.2005) ----------------- - Supports Windows Server 2003. Ver3.00 (Ver. Jun.2005) -------------------- - Add function: IoGetResourceByDeviceID() - Add sample: GetResByDevID - Fault with the environment which a resource cannot acquire normally is corrected. Ver2.50 (Ver. Apr.2005) -------------------- - Version Up : New PCI board support. COM-1PD(LPCI)H, COM-2PD(LPCI)H PIO-32/32T(PCI)H, PIO-32/32B(PCI)V, RRY-16C(PCI)H, RRY-32(PCI)H, PIO-48D(LPCI)H CNT24-4(PCI)H, CNT24-4D(PCI)H, CNT32-4MT(LPCI) GP-IB(LPCI)FL, GP-IB(CB)FL Ver2.40 (Ver. Jan.2005) -------------------- - Version Up : New PC card support. PIO-48D(CB)H, COM-1PD(CB)H, CNT32-4MT(CB) Ver2.30 (Ver. Oct.2004) -------------------- - Version Up : New PCI board support. PIO-32/32H(PCI)H, PIO-16/16H(PCI)H, PIO-32/32RL(PCI)H, PIO-16/16RL(PCI)H - Version Up : New PC card support. PIO-16/16L(CB)H, ADA16-8/2(CB)L, COM-1(CB)H, COM-2(CB)H Ver2.20 (Ver. Nov.2003) -------------------- - VisualBasic.NET 2003, VisualC++.NET 2003 support. - Version Up : New PCI board support. PIO-16/16B(PCI)H,PI-32B(PCI)H,PO-32B(PCI)H, PIO-16/16L(LPCI)H,PIO-16/16B(LPCI)H,PIO-16/16T(LPCI)H, ADA16-8/2(LPCI)L,AD16-16(LPCI)L,DA16-4(LPCI)L Ver2.10 (Dec.2002) ----------------- - Version Up with Borland C++ Builder and Boaland Delphi support in Japanese. Ver2.00 (Ver. Aug.2002) -------------------- - Version Up : New PCI board support. PIO-32/32L(PCI)H, PI-64L(PCI)H, PO-64L(PCI)H, PIO-16/16L(PCI)H, PI-32L(PCI)H, PO-32L(PCI)H, PIO-16/16RY(PCI), COM-4P(PCI)H, COM-2P(PCI)H, COM-4(LPCI)H, COM-2(LPCI)H, COM-1(LPCI)H - Version Up : New PC card support. COM-4(CB)H - VisualBasic.NET, VisualC++.NET support. Ver1.50 -------------------- - Resource rourtine update for COM-2(PM). Ver1.40 (Ver. Jan.2002) -------------------- - Version Up : New PCI board support. PIO-64/64L(PCI), PI-128L(PCI), PO-128L(PCI) - Support Windows XP. - Delete PCI bus board settings from IO-LIB IO-LIB Configuration. (Can Execute with no settings) - Bus fix : Sometimes device driver did not start when using IO-LIB Configuration. Ver1.30 ---------------------- - Version Up : New PCI board support. CNT24-4D(PCI) - PC card support. PIO-24W(PM), AD12-8(PM), PIO-32D(PM), PIO-16/16L(PM) Ver1.20 ---------------------- - Version Up : New PCI board support. ADI16-4L(PCI), DA12-8(PCI) Ver1.12 ---------------------- - Version Up : New PCI board support. PIO-32/32F(PCI), PIO-48D(PCI), PIO-16/16B(PCI), PI-32L(PCI), PI-32B(PCI), PO-32L(PCI), PO-32B(PCI) - Do not need restart after setting by CONFIGIO.EXE.(2000/NT) Ver1.11 ---------------------- - Bug Fix : cope with high frequency interrupt. Ver1.10 ---------------------- - Rewrite in C language - Same specification with IO-LIB(NT) Ver1.00 ---------------------- - 1st release