========================================================================== Virtual COM Driver Ver 3.70 CONTEC Co., Ltd. ========================================================================== --- Contents --- 1.Introduction 2.Explanation of File 3.Summary of Specification 4.Usage of Virtual COM Driver 5.Detailed Specification 6.Application of Action Confirmation 7.History of Version-up -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction Virtual COM driver mode for Windows converts COM data to LAN data to control the RS-232C port on an RP-COM/FX-DSxxx-COM/FNV product via the LAN. This has the effect of extending a 1-to-1 RS-232C cable connection to operate via the LAN and allows existing applications that use RS-232C to continue to be used changed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. File Explanation - Virtual COM Driver FITVCOM.INF INF File for Virtual COM Driver FITCOM.SYS Virtual COM Driver VCOMSRV2.EXE Virtual COM Server PNPPORTS.DLL DLL File for Virtual COM Driver Setting VCOMSRV2.LNK Shortcut File -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.Summary of Specification - Support OS: <32 bit> Microsoft Windows 10 Microsoft Windows 8.1 Microsoft Windows 7 <64 bit> Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Microsoft Windows 10 Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Microsoft Windows 8.1 Microsoft Windows 7 - When Hyper-V used , only supported Guest OS. Windows 7 (32bit) Windows 10 (32bit) / Windows Server 2012 R2 (64bit) - Supported architecture: x86 x64 - Supported device: [RP-COM Series] RP-COM(FIT)H, RP-COM(FIT)H-AF, RP-COM(FIT)GY, RP-422(FIT)GY [CONPROSYS nano Series] CPSN-MCB271-S1-041(COM), CPSN-COM-1PD - Support COM Board: The available board can be allotted continual number and 32 channels can be used at same time. - Baudrate: Setting value is in any of the following list. 300bps, 600bps, 1200bps, 2400bps, 4800bps, 9600bps, 14400bps, 19200bps, 38400bps, 57600bps, 115200bps, 230400bps, 460800bps, 921600bps - Flow Control: Non Control, Hardware Control (XON/XOFF Control: Not Implementated) - Data Bit: 8bit, 7bit - Parity: Non Parity, Odd Parity, Even Parity - Stop Bit: 1, 2 Notes! - A parameter of the serial communication that I can set depends on hardware. The details please identify specifications of each product. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.Usage of Virtual COM Driver 4-1.Cautions on Use 4-2.Installation procedure 4-3.Setup 4-4.Uninstallation procedure -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-1. Cautions on Use - The virtual COM driver uses the F&eIT protocol. The TCP/IP protocol must be installed as part of the network configuration. - The RP-COM/FX-DSxxx-COM/FNV product must already be running before you start the application that is to use the virtual COM port. - Communications may not work correctly in some cases, depending on the application that is to use the virtual COM port and the device connected to the COM port on the RP-COM(FIT)H, RP-COM(FIT)H-AF, RP-COM(FIT)GY, RP-422(FIT)GY, FX-DS110-COM, FX-DS110-422, FX-DS540-COM, FX-DS540-422, RP-VL-S-01, RP-VL-R-01. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-2. Installation procedure 1.Run Setup.exe.(Windows 10/Server 2019/Server 2016 uses [VCOM_forWin10]) 2 Setup wizard finished. 3.Select [Device Manager] from [Control Panel]. 4.This starts the [Add Hardware Wizard]. Click [Next>] as instructed on the screen. 5.In the [The wizard can help you install other hardware] dialog box, check the [Install the hardware that I manually select from a list (Advanced)] button and select [Next]. 6.In the [From the list below, select the type of hardware you are installing] dialog box, check [Ports (COM & LPT)] and select [Next]. 7.In the [Select the device driver you want to install for this hardware.] dialog box, select [F&eIT Virtual COM Port] and select [Next]. 8.When a warning message appears, select [Continue]. 9.In the [Completing the Add Hardware Wizard] dialog box, select [Finish]. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-3.Setup 1.Select [Device Manager] from [Control Panel]. 2.Double click on [Ports(COM&LPT)] and select [Properties] for the virtual COM device you wish to setup. 3.Select [Port Settings] from [F&eIT Virtual COM Port (COMx) Properties]. 4.Set the required settings, then click [OK]. Notes. - Always set an IP address - Set the IP address of the target RP-COM/CONPROSYS nano product in the [Port Settings] IP address field ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-4.Uninstallation procedure 1.Select [Device Manager] from [Control Panel]. 2.Select [F&eIT Virtual COM Port] form [Ports(COM&LPT)] and right-click [F&eIT Virtual COM Port], select [Delete] to delete. 3.Delete [VCOMSRV2] manually from the [Startup] folder (*1). (*1) In the case of Windows 8.1 or later OS, C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\startmenu\startup\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Specifications The virtual COM driver is not a thing offering complete emulation of serial number standard driver. Please confirm whether the command that you need is offered. - COM Port port 1 to 32. - Flow Control Non Control ... Implementated Hardware ... Implementated Xon/Off ... Not Implementated - Retry Time 0 to 60sec (default 3sec) - Retrys 0 to 10 (default 10) - Baudrate 300bps, 600bps, 1200bps, 2400bps, 4800bps, 9600bps, 14400bps, 19200bps, 38400bps, 57600bps, 115200bps, 230400bps, 460800bps, 921600bps - Data Bit 8bit, 7bit - Parity Non Parity ... Implementated Odd Parity ... Implementated Even Parity ... Implementated - Stop Bit 1, 2 - The supporting Win32API in Virtual COM Driver is stated in the following list. Win32API | Implementated | Function ------------------------------+---------------+---------------------------------- CreateFile | Implementated | Device Open CloseHandle | Implementated | Device Close ReadFile | Implementated | Data Read WriteFile | Implementated | Data Write - Serial Control Commands Win32API | Implementated | Function ------------------------------+-------------------+---------------------------------- BuildCommDCB | Implementated | Converts the string of device definition to DCB. BuildCommDCBAndTimeouts | Implementated | Builds communication DCB and sets the value of timeout. ClearCommBreak | Implementated | Clear break the character sending. ClearCommError | Implementated (*1)| Permits communication after error. EscapeCommFunction | Implementated | Sends expansion communication function. GetCommMask | Implementated | Returns communication event mask. GetCommModemStatus | Implementated | Returns value of modem control register. GetCommProperties | Implementated | Returns the property of communication device. GetCommState | Implementated | Returns the control block of communication device. GetCommTimeouts | Implementated | Returns the timeout of communication device. PurgeComm | Implementated (*2)| Clears the communication queue. SetCommBreak | Implementated | Breaks the character sending. SetCommMask | Implementated (*3)| Sets the communication event mask. SetCommState | Implementated (*4)| Sets the communication devie to specified state. SetCommTimeouts | Implementated | Sets the communication devie to specified state. SetupComm | Implementated (*5)| Sets the communication parameter. TransmitCommChar | Not Implementated | Transmits the character to sending queue. WaitCommEvent | Implementated (*6)| Waits the masked communication event. (Notes) *1 The partly information was not returned. The supporting return values contains the following. dwErrors: CE_BRAKE, CE_FRAME, CE_OVERRUN, CE_RXOVER, CE_RXPARITY COMSTAT Structure: cbInQue, fCtsHold, fDsrHold *2 The partly function was only implemented. Implementing function contains the following. PURGE_RXCLEAR *3 The partly function was only implemented. Implementing function contains the following. EV_BREAK, EV_CTS, EV_DSR, EV_ERR, EV_RXCHAR, EV_RXFLAG *4 The partly function was only implemented. The member of implementing DCB structure contains the following. BaudRate, fNull, ByteSize, Parity, StopBits, XonChar, XoffChar, EvtChar *5 The function is implemented but ignore specified parameters. *6 The function stated in SetCommMask(*3) is only implemented. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Application of Action Confirmation This Virtual COM Driver's application of action confirmation contains the following. - Hyper Terminal (Modifies the setting of send, receive, baudrate and so on, sends and receives file) - TeraTerm(Modifies the setting of send, receive, baudrate and so on) - MSCOMM.OCX sample program attached to MSDN:VBTERM.EXE (Modifies the setting of send, receive, baudrate and so on) - Program attached to standard COM driver COM-DRV(W32) for our PCI bus board (Modifies the setting of send, receive, baudrate and so on) COMMCHK.EXE, VB Sample, VC Sample -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. History of Version-up Ver3.70 2020/12 - Checked the operation on Windows 10 20H2. - Supported Windows 10 security policy (memory integrity). - Revise the support OS Support OS: Microsoft Windows 10 (32bit/64bit) Microsoft Windows 8.1 (32bit/64bit) Microsoft Windows 7 (32bit/64bit) Microsoft Windows Server 2019 (64bit) Microsoft Windows Server 2016 (64bit) Microsoft Windows Server 2012R2 (64bit). Ver3.60 2020/07/13 - Checked the operation on Windows 10 2004. Ver3.50 2019/11/27 - Checked the operation on Windows 10 19H2. Ver3.40 2019/10/08 - Start Windows Server 2019 support. Ver3.30 2019/07/26 - Apply CPSN-MCB271-S1-041(COM) and CPSN-COM-1PD. Ver3.20 2019/07/02 - Checked the operation on Windows 10 19H1. Ver3.11 2018/01/08 - Start Windows Server 2016 support. - Start Hyper-V Server 2016 support. Ver3.10 2017/03/07 - Supports "Driver Signing policy changes in Windows 10". Ver3.00 2016/01/06 - Start Windows 10 support (32bit/64bit). - Start SHA-2 support Ver2.26 2015/04/06 - Fixed an issue that RTS / DTR signal is cleared when VCOMSRV2.exe ability reconnect LAN access during serial data transmission. Ver2.25 2015/02/03 - Fixed an issue that hang up when buffer clear at a specific timing. - Fixed an issue that baud rate returns to its initial value when VCOMSRV2.exe ability reconnect LAN access. Ver2.24 2014/01/24 - Start Windows 8.1 support (32bit/64bit). - Start Windows Server 2012 R2 support (64bit). - Add Hyper-V 2.0, Hyper-V 3.0, Hyper-V 3.1. - Driver library is not changed from Ver2.23. Ver2.23 2013/06/21 - This driver cannot set Stop bit 1.5. But property page was printed. And, this property page can not set Stop bit 2. There ware corrected. VCOMSRV2.EXE and fitvcom.sys don't change. Ver2.22 2013/6/12 - This has been fixed that caused blue screen if you try to install 32bitOS. This problem occurs in only Ver.2.21. COMSRV2.EXE and pnpports.dll don't change. Ver2.21 2013/04/19 - Start 64bit OS Windows. * Windows 8 / 7 * Windows Server 2012/ Server 2008R2 And start 32bit Windows 8. - When FileSend of HyperTerminal runs, PC locked that sending data is finished. It was VCOM Driver Version 2.12 or later.It fixed. Ver2.20 2012/07/15 - Start Windows Server 2003 / 2008. And Hyper-V with Windows Server 2008. - Add select SerialPort Number with Property Page. - Add VCOMSRV2.exe ability select Priority Normal and High. - Add VCOMSRV2.exe ability reconnect LAN access. - Add VCOMSRV2.exe ability reboot own. - Add When VCOMSRV2.exe set LAN reconnect, out Popup Balloon.(Enable/Disable) Ver2.12 2011/02/10 - When the length of value 0 with ReadFile function set,BSoD. It is corrected. Ver2.11 2010/10/14 - Start surpport Flex Net Viewer product. RP-VL-R-02 VCOMSRV2.EXE, pnpports.dll and fitvcom.sys don't change. Ver2.10 2010/07/30 - Start Windows 7 support. - Used Hardware Flow, it fixed VCOMSRV2.exe CPU 100% to use. - "Version" added Contec VCOM Driver's Version. Ver2.09 2008/01/23 - It was corrected that Comport cannot open.(Ver 2.08 only) Only device driver is changed.(VCOMSRV.exe and pnpports.dll don't change.) Ver2.08 2007/11/30 - VCOMSRV2.exe finishes so bad for Windows Vista. It is corrected. - VCOMSRV2.exe adds "Version" mode. - When VCOMSRV2.exe cannot start double, error messages outputs. - Start surpport Flex Net Viewer products. RP-VL-S-01, RP-VL-R-01 Ver2.07 2007/09/05 - Start Windows Vista support. Ver2.06 2007/04/26 - The fix did the problem that the communication cuts uncommonly. This problem occurs easily when it uses it in a compatible, AD-HOC mode. Ver2.05 2006/11/11 - Changed the range that Port Number could set in 0 to 8. Supported Port 8 of FX-DS540-COM2. - Deleted None from a setting range of Retry Time. - Deleted None from a setting range of Retry Count. Ver2.04 2006/07/24 - Apply the problem that cannot open on SerialPort Class in VisualStudio2005. - This version is beta version. Ver2.03 2006/04/20 - Fixed problem thar when network was disconnected and CreateFile was called over twice, network was connected, CreateFile faild. Ver2.02 2006/03/06 - Fixed problem that Virtual COM Servar and pnpports.dll cannot find device when the string length of IP address and baudrate is long. Ver2.01 2006/02/02 - Fixed problem that Virtual COM Servar cannot find device when MAC address last byte is nearly 0xff. - Fixed problem that Virtual COM Servar's memory leak when power was not on of RP-COM. Ver2.00 2005/10/01 - Apply RP-COM(FIT)H and RP-COM(FIT)H-AF - Apply over 5120 bytes data transfer. - Changed property page to specify machine IP address and machine ID. - Apply DCB.fNull flag. - Apply some ClearCommError's flags. - Apply some EscapeCommFunction's parameter. - Apply retry when network packet lost. Ver1.09 2005/02/16 - Virtual COM Server version up to not execute two or more. Ver1.07 2004/11/11 - Solved the problem that the action of flow control 'None' was same as 'Hardware' on porperty page settings. (Fixed in VCOMSVR2.EXE) Ver1.06 2004/10/06 - Solved the problem that CreateFile API returns error when PR-COM(FIT)GY power was off. Ver1.05 2004/09/24 - Solves the problem that function WriteFile cannot be used to output immediately after function CreateFile is used to call COM board. - Supports that baudrate, data bit, parity bit can be modified in application. - Solves that the problem occurs when data lose inside driver in continual receive process. - Solves the problem that error event occurs and data cannot be sent when MSCOMM.OCX is used to continual sending. (The others) - Supports that COM board can be deleted in normal mode. - Supports that transfers file by XModem, YModem, ZModem of Hyper Terminal. - Moreover, solves the known problems Ver1.04 2004/04/01 - Expend the specifying available number of COM board (Expands form 10 ports to 32 ports) - Support the receive interrupt - Support the specifying data length of receive - Receive speed up - Support the information receive of control line Ver1.03 2003/07/04 Solves several reported problems by now Ver1.00 2002/01/11 first release ==========================================================================