API-DIO(LNX) Linux version Digital I/O Driver

  • Fundamental functions, such as input and output, interruption, and trigger surveillance by the timer, are offered.
  • It is used by the setting program (config) and the setting file, setting up the device to be used.
  • A setting program outputs the setting file which makes shift easy, a driver starting script, and a stop script to execution environment.
  • The user interruption processing source code which includes in a driver and can be performed is appended.

康泰克的测量控制I/O板卡开始支持流行的编程语言“ Python”。无论是Windows还是Linux系统,都可以使用相同的函数结构对配备各种总线接口的设备进行编程。



型号 产品型号 适应规格
API-DIO(LNX) Linux version Digital I/O Driver


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