API-DIO(WDM) Windows Driver for Digital I/O Driver

  • A maximum of 16 boards are controllable. In addition, the driver enables to control up to 256 boards.
  • Digital I/O can be performed from the specified ports or the specified bits.
  • Hardware chattering can be prevented by setting the digital filter.
  • The information of boards can be acquired.
  • The callback procedure to accept Interrupt / Trigger notice is provided for applications without window, such as DLL or Resident Program.
  • Sample programs which support various languages can be used for basic use of functions or specific use case.


API-DIO(WDM) is the Windows version driver library software that provides products in the form of Win32 API functions (DLL). Various sample programs such as Visual Basic and Visual C++, etc is provided. In the driver library, sample programs to show basic usage examples and methods are included. Furthermore, convenient additional sample programs are separately provided. For more details about additional sample programs, please visit the download file list page.

  • A maximum of 16 boards are controllable. In addition, the driver enables to control up to 256 boards.
  • Digital I/O can be performed from the specified ports or the specified bits.
  • Hardware chattering can be prevented by setting the digital filter.
  • The information of boards can be acquired.
  • The callback procedure to accept Interrupt / Trigger notice is provided for applications without window, such as DLL or Resident Program.
  • Sample programs which support various languages can be used for basic use of functions or specific use case.
    • Various functions for basic use and frequently used method are included into the driver library. Contec also provides additional sample programs for more specialized purpose. For more details about additional sample programs, please visit the download file list page.

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