The Best Kept Secret in Technology Systems Integration (Video)


For more than 25 years we have worked to achieve a distinguished level of value that we bring to our customers through quality products backed by extraordinary service. Our value proposition is simple, our customers buy products from us but what they are really investing in is our ability to provide services far beyond the initial product inquiry.

Outstanding Quality

Quality is the #1 response variable that we measure our manufacturing facility by. We are committed to a constant flow of communication, highlighting detailed metrics that we use to measure the performance of our products. We believe that our reputation is based on the quality of our suppliers and we are only as strong as our weakest partner.

Spanning Key Markets

We have become a global leader in medical OEM system integration technology, supporting 7 of the top 10 medical device manufactures in the world. We also support Fortune 100 and 500 companies in a variety of other industries that includes homeland security through image reconstruction and threat detection as well as industrial applications like factory automation, food processing and material handling. The market we are pursuing with the most potential growth is IoT – connecting technology through system integration to maximize efficiencies in a variety of industries.

Leading Technology

Technology is changing at a rapid pace and with each new technological advancement, Contec stays ahead of the changes by maintaining knowledge and expertise in CPUs and chipsets. We extend this level understanding through to our customer base by constantly keeping their success as the focus of our success.

Unique Customer Service

We sell products but our business is, and always has been, about the service. We sell products many other manufacturers are able to provide but we take it a step further. We want to know and understand our customers and what makes them truly unique. Once we’ve identified their complexities, our team goes to work to create a complete solution. We want to make their business better.

Contact us today to Request a Demo.

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