PIO-16/16TB(PCI)H 数字量输入输出 PCI总线 板卡 16点/16点 (板载5VDC电源 高速光电隔离5VDC-TTL)

  • RoHS Compliant
  • 标准保修3年
  • 延长保修可能
  • Noise-protection nature is improving by Opto-isolated input and output
  • Signal arrangement of a connector is same as PIO-16/16TB(PCI), and compatibility
  • It can input 16 points TTL level digital signal
  • It can output 16 points TTL level digital signal
  • All the 16 input signals can be used as an interruption input. Moreover, the edge of the input signal which generates interruption can also be chosen. It has the digital filter function in which the noise and chattering of an input signal can be prevented
  • The power supply for a photo-coupler drive is built in. Moreover, selection of a built-in power supply (5VDC, 600mA) / external power supply is possible
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