SDGs Initiatives

What are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the global development goals adopted at the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit in September 2015. The SDGs consist of 17 goals and 169 targets, which are designed to achieve a better and more sustainable future, and are intended to be achieved by 2030.
In accordance with our management philosophy of “Contributing to Society with Creative Technologies and Products,” we at Contec have been striving to offer solutions to social issues that can help achieve the SDGs.
We remain committed to contributing to the realization of the SDGs through dialogue and co-creation with our stakeholders, such as customers, suppliers and business partners, local communities, shareholders, and employees.

SDGs Initiatives


We recognize that protection of the global environment is a material issue for businesses, and that from a social and international point of view, providing environmentally friendly products is a vital mission for manufacturers operating around the globe.

SDGs Initiatives


We recognize that building positive relationships with our stakeholders, such as customers, suppliers and business partners, local communities, shareholders, and employees, is our top management priority.

SDGs Initiatives


One of the Contec Group's fundamental principles of corporate governance is that we seek to operate in a transparent and sound manner, by complying with laws and regulations as well as social norms both at home and abroad, and by strengthening our internal control and risk management systems in the rapidly changing business environment.

SDGs Initiatives


In 1995, we were among the first companies in Japan to be ISO 9001 certified, and obtaining this certification was a means of guaranteeing our quality policy. In order to ensure that the ISO9001 certification is applied in our quality assurance system, all of us at Contec work together.

SDGs Initiatives

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