This system collects information obtained using a spectrophotometer in an auto factory paint shop, checks if the results are within threshold values, and keeps them for traceability.
It contributes to improve quality by visualizing color management that is difficult to perform by visual inspection.
When the system detects the arrival of a measuring subject body, it starts the measurement and begins to collect measurement data from the spectrophotometer via RS-232C interface. It not only activates an alarm when the results exceed standard levels, but records the measurement data together with car information.
Keep working in takt time is essential in production lines. Touch panel terminals were adopted to improve work efficiency as much as possible. Our touch panel terminals, based on our FA computer design technology, feature a fanless structure, providing environmental resistance and high reliability.
It is essential to set work procedures suited to each process layout and measuring conditions. We offer customized systems that meet customers’ specific needs.
This system can also be used as a color-difference measuring system for bumpers. If the system is expanded to include bumper color measurement, it can produce the optimum combination of body and bumper information.
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