Operation Monitoring of Production Facilities

System Overview

This system provides a simple way of the introduction of IT such as production/quality/equipment controls by monitoring the operational status of facilities.

Systems Diagram

The system monitors the operational status of old-type facility that has no communication capabilities using various sensors and relays. If it uses PLCs, detailed information can be collected via PLC communication.
The collected data can be transmitted to upper-level servers using HTTPS data post or MODBUS/TCP slave function. Monitoring of facilities is possible on Web browser of Laptop PCs or Tablets by making web-based monitoring screen on CONPROSYS HMI built in the controller.


  • Multivendor and multimodal interface compatibility

    CONPROSYS M2M Gateway has a function to communicate with various PLCs. It can acquire data from PLCs and controllers which is compatible with supported PLC protocols or MODBUS communication. It is also compatible with both Ethernet and serial communication interfaces. Therefore, introduction of multiple protocol software and drivers will not be necessary by supporting mixture of multiple protocols and methods of communication for various PLCs / controllers.

  • Easy control (CONPROSYS VTC)

    The CONPROSYS series has CONPROSYS VTC ( Visual Task Control ) function that helps to create a process flow consisting of calculations and branches with conditional judgments. Users can create process flows simply by pick & place of process elements like flow charts.
    The CONPROSYS VTC function also enables users to perform data logging and store historical data by trigger conditions.

  • Web monitoring (CONPROSYS HMI)

    The system has CONPROSYS HMI function that provides a graphical presentation of collected signals.
    Users can easily create and browse monitor screens using web browsers on laptop PCs or Tablets.
    No additional special authoring tool is required.

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