New Feature - C-WaveformGenerator Ver. 2.00 with API Support for External Application Control

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Contec has released the newest version of its C-WaveformGenerator analog waveform output software (free download), now with API support that enables control from external applications.


C-WaveformGenerator is PC-based software that can generate various waveform signals using Contec measurement control cards with analog output functions. The software can be used in place of a benchtop signal generator (function generator) to output waveform signals. It can also be used to perform measurement control and construct inspection systems.
The newly added API support enables control of various settings and waveform output start/stop from external applications, allowing users to utilize C-WaveormGenerator’s various waveform output functions from their own applications.

When debugging applications, the output waveform can also be adjusted using the C-WaveformGenerator GUI just like a benchtop instrument, and when debugging is complete, the API can be used to switch the output to start/stop control, helping to reduce the amount of work required for system construction.

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