IO-LIB General I/O Driver

  • Provide Win32 API functions.
  • Control the PC-HELPER (board for the IBM PC/AT or compatible).
  • Input/output data through a specified port.
  • Generate events using hardware interrupts.
  • Insert a wait where required for the program for timing purposes.


Software Development Kit

Type Win32 API

Supported Development Environment

Supported Development Environment Visual C#; Visual C++; Visual Basic

Supported OS

Supported OS Windows XP (32-bit)

Supported Series

Supported Series PC-HELPER

Supported Devices(Analog I/O)

Supported Devices(Digital I/O)

Supported Devices(Counter)

PCI Card CNT24-4D(PCI)
- -
PC Card - -

Supported Devices(Serial Communication)

Supported Devices(GPIB Communication)

PCI Card - -
PC Card - -

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