2 results

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Model Controller UnitAnalog I/ODigital I/OCounterSerial Comm.
Series Communication Ports Programming Stack bus Function Input Channels Input Range ADC Resolution Sampling Rate Input Buffer Memory Output Channels Output Range DAC Resolution Update rate Output Buffer Memory Input Channels Output Channels Bi-directional I/O Channels Response Time (Input) Response Time (Output) Operating Voltage (Input) Operating Voltage (Output) Input Circuit Output Circuit Built-in Power Supply Number of Channels Counting System Response speed Number of Channels Transmission Method Isolation Property Transmission Speed
Raspberry Pi CPIEthernet (LAN)-Raspberry Pi HAT (40pin GPIO)----------------------------
Raspberry Pi CPIEthernet (LAN)CODESYS (IEC61131-3)Raspberry Pi HAT (40pin GPIO)EtherCAT master; EtherNet/IP A…---------------------------