Development Support Tools Update : DAQfast .NET Components for Test & Measurement System (Free Edition) DAQ-DNC-FE [Ver.1.00 → Ver.1.01]

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Contec updated the DAQfast .NET Components for Test & Measurement System (Free Edition) DAQ-DNC-FE.

What's New

Ver.1.00 → Ver.1.01 (Web Release 2022.10)
- Fixed a bug that Visual Studio may crash when moving the property setting panel between displays with different display scales
- Fixed a bug that the category was Lamp when an error occurred in the SaveProperty method and LoadProperty method in the following components.
Target components: DncLabel, DncTextBox, DncButton, DncGraph
- Fixed typo in license displayed during installation
- Fixed some other minor bugs

- Fixed a bug that does not end when #SEC is specified as a sampling stop condition
- Fixed a bug that the value of DncTextBox is not referenced when DigitalBit or DigitalPort is selected for access type in input task and channel/bit/port is set to DncTextBox
- Fixed a bug that the value of DncTextBox is referenced at task execution instead of at initialization when channel/bit/port is set to DncTextBox in output task

- Fixed a bug that the GetCursorData method and GetCursorDataAll method could be completed normally and 0 could be obtained when the cursor was not touching
- Fixed a bug that the axis label and scale value of the second axis are not displayed when Cursol.EnbleProperty is false
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when the DefaultRange property was set outside the range of the Range property

- Fixed a bug that can enter values other than numeric values (hexadecimal) in the Value input field on the property setting panel

- Fixed a bug that allowed to enter a value of 100 or more in the IndexDigits property


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