Driver Update : Windows Com Driver COM-DRV

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Contec updated Windows Com Driver COM-DRV.

What's New

Product Type What's New Download
PCI Express / PCI cards
Ver8.60 -> Ver8.70
- Add support development language
Support language: Python 3.11(pySerial 3.5)
- Checked the operation on Windows 11 22H2.
CONPROSYS nano / F&eIT RP-COM Ver4.30 -> Ver4.40
- Checked the operation on Windows 11 22H2.
F&eIT media converters SEP.2022 -> NOV.2022
- Add support development language
Support language: Python 3.11(pySerial 3.5)
- Checked the operation on Windows 11 22H2.
USB micro converters Ver2.50 -> Ver2.60
- Add support development language
Support language: Python 3.11(pySerial 3.5)
- Checked the operation on Windows 11 22H2.
USB units Ver2.50 -> Ver2.60
- Add support development language
Support language: Python 3.11(pySerial 3.5)
- Checked the operation on Windows 11 22H2.
Utility Ver1.20 -> Ver1.30
- Checked the operation on Windows 11 22H2.

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