Top 5 Reasons to Attend Thindustrial 2015

Japan、Africa、Asia、Europe、Middle East、North America、Oceania、Latin America

Still wondering if Thindustrial 2015 is right for you? We’ll make it easy for you with the top 5 reasons you should attend this truly amazing conference for Factory Automation and Thin Client factory settings in Orlando, April 28 - 30.

5. Get a Tan with Mickey

This year’s event will take place in Disney’s picturesque Coronado Springs Resort. Whether you prefer to relax in the spa, dine on traditional Mexican and American dishes at Maya Grill or soak in the surroundings by the pool, this resort has something for everyone.

4. Meet Contec’s "Dynamic" Sales Team

These mavericks are skilled sword swallowers, award winning lion tamers and can cook 30-minute brownies in 20 minutes. As an authorized ACP ThinManager partner, the Contec team will be exhibiting and presenting during the conference. You won’t want to miss the show.

3. See the World’s Thinnest ThinManager-Ready Thin Client for Yourself

In addition to unveiling our newest ThinManager-Ready Thin Client for the very first time at the expo, we’ll be demonstrating our best selling fanless Thin Clients including the BX-956 and BX-220, the world’s thinnest ThinManager-Ready Thin Client. Come see them for yourself.

2. World-Class Industry Speakers

Thindustrial 2015 features speakers from around the industry and beyond to captivate, educate and demonstrate their ThinManager enabled products. Come and learn how ThinManager technology has revolutionized their companies and what it can do for you.

1. Interactive Workshops and Training

This year’s conference will focus around the new ThinManager 7.0 software platform and the introduction of relevance: the most capable, secure mobile solution in the world. The Thindustrial conference is a great opportunity to complete or renew your ThinManager training to gain or retain your ThinManager partner status.

Training sessions will be provided over the five days in Relevance Theory & Configuration, ThinManager Basic Training Lab and Relevance Training Lab. Download the Training & Session Worksheet to view the complete agenda and organize your schedule before the event.

Thindustrial 2015 runs from April 28 - 30, 2015 at Disney's Coronado Springs Resort

Register today at

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