Background of Demand for DX in Medical and Nursing Care Fields and Trends in DX Technology

In recent years, demand for digital transformation (DX) has been gaining momentum in the medical and nursing care fields. Can DX be a savior in the medical and nursing care fields, where there is a shortage of healthcare workers and other problems? In this article, we will introduce the current state of DX in the medical and nursing care fields, as well as the associated background.


Background of Demand for DX in Medical and Nursing Care Fields

The medical and nursing care industry is currently experiencing a severe shortage of healthcare workers. To begin with, the medical and nursing care industry requires a large number of workers when it comes to working shifts because they operate round the clock. However, the shortage of workers is due to various reasons, including irregular working conditions, such as night and late night shifts, and low wages despite the heavy responsibilities. It is difficult to attract workers, and many places are constantly hiring.

On the other hand, with baby boomers turning 75 years or older in 2025 in Japan, the need for healthcare is expected to increase further, and the burden on the medical and nursing care providers is expected to grow even greater than before.

Against this background, DX is gaining attention as a solution to these problems in the medical and nursing care industry. The Japanese government has established the Healthcare DX Reiwa Vision 2030 with the aim of promoting DX and streamlining medical care. The purpose of DX in medical care is to make the provision of medical care more efficient and effective.

Let's take a look at the specific trends in medical DX in turns.

Increasingly Sophisticated Medical Devices and Inspection Equipment

Medical devices and inspection equipment are becoming increasingly sophisticated as a result of DX, which uses AI, machine learning and other technologies. Currently, medical devices used for diagnostic imaging, pathology, drug discovery and more are equipped with AI or machine learning and are steadily streamlining various diagnostic procedures. These medical devices and inspection equipment are equipped with embedded computers, industrial computers, and embedded wireless LAN modules that are connected to the Internet and can immediately store acquired information on the Internet.

Medical Information Network

Hospitals, nursing care facilities, and pharmacies have accumulated tremendous amounts of medical information. By sharing a network through which the medical information can be shared and viewed, all kinds of medical information about a patient can be accessed from any facility, making it possible to provide efficient medical care even for first-time patients.

Not only does this facilitate the smooth referral of a patient from the primary doctor at a clinic to a major hospital, it also makes it easier for the primary doctor to follow up on the patient's subsequent progress.

Dispensing Audit

Japan's Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare has formulated the "Vision of Pharmacy for Patients" and is promoting the transformation from object-focused (drug-centered) operations to human-focused (patient-centered) operations and creating a system in which the role of the family pharmacist can be fulfilled. As pharmacists, DX through the use of ICT is a prerequisite for improving professionalism and working conditions, and the work required of pharmacists is starting to undergo changes.

What is unique about the DX of dispensing pharmacies is the dispensing audit. Dispensing, which previously relied on pharmacists, is now also checked by machines to identify, audit, and record dispensing. Dispensing audit will further streamline dispensing operations, prevent human errors, and reduce the burden on pharmacists.

At Contec, we offer an image-identification dispensing audit system that enables quick and accurate auditing of drug information from bar codes, cameras and electronic balances. (Available in Japan only)

Nursing Homes and In-Home Nursing Care

There is a growing shortage of nursing care staff in nursing homes and for in-home nursing care. The need for round-the-clock monitoring and shift-based work schedules places a heavy burden on these staff, and there are constant calls for greater efficiency on site. One DX technology that can support the shortage of nursing care staff would be IoT technology, which uses sensors to detect human presence, temperature and more.

If a wireless system is used to connect the IoT devices required for watching over the residents, it would probably be possible to create a low-cost system to watch over the residents without the need for installing new network lines.

At Contec, we offer a packaged product consisting of digital devices and recording software to watch over the residents with sensors that do not use cameras. This system can be widely used as an information sharing tool for users in various occupations working with the elderly. (Available in Japan only)

Personal (Parental Caregiving)

The monitoring support system can also be useful for personal use. For example, many people may be worried about their parents who live far apart from them but find it difficult to visit them. Those who live far from their hometown may not be able to return for short vacations. Also, it may be difficult to find new employment once you leave your job to care for your parents or for other reasons.

If you are able to check on your parents on a daily basis even when they are far away, you can notice behaviors that are out of the ordinary at an early stage. A parental monitoring system can be beneficial for both parents and children.

At Contec, we provide an easy and simple monitoring service to support parents and children who live far apart from each other, from the day the monitoring device is installed. (Available in Japan only)


Many people may imagine the medical and nursing care industry to be a tough profession. In fact, with the spread of infectious diseases and an aging society, we feel that there is increasing coverage of the pressing situation on the ground in the medical and nursing care fields.
However, medical and nursing care providers are taking a progressive approach and are actively implementing ICT and DX.

At Contec, we offer a lineup of BOX computers that can be embedded in medical devices and inspection equipment, as well as industrial computers that enable advanced image processing and AI inference processing in the medical field.

The medical and nursing care industry is undergoing transformation as society changes, and it is important to implement DX to improve safety and quality in medical and nursing care.

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