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Insulation Deterioration Monitoring CONPROSYS I/O Module / 1ch (Earth leakage measurement) / Bus Isolation
LoRa Stack Module
Digital output CONPROSYS I/O module 16ch (negative-common isolated 12 - 24VDC)
Digital output CONPROSYS I/O module 16ch (isolated 12 - 24VDC)
Digital input CONPROSYS I/O module 16ch (isolated 12 - 24VDC)
Digital input CONPROSYS I/O module 16ch (negative-common isolated 12 - 24VDC)
Analog Output CONPROSYS I/O Module / 4ch(16bit 100ks/s) / Bus Isolation
Relay output CONPROSYS I/O module 4ch ( - 240VAC / - 24VDC)
Analog Input CONPROSYS I/O Module / 8ch(16bit 50ks/s) / Bus Isolation
Counter CONPROSYS I/O module 2ch (32bit Up/Down count 500kHz) / Incremental encoder interface / Isolated
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