FA control and measurement control systems require large numbers of signal inputs and outputs. Where previously only a single card could be connected, Contec has expanded the HAT (Hardware Attached on Top) specifications to allow multilevel connections. Our original Board ID system allows a maximum of 8 cards to be connected in a stack for use with systems that require multiple signal inputs and outputs.
Do you want to replace part of a PC-based system with Raspberry Pi? Do you want to scale-up a Raspberry Pi-based system to a PC-base? Contec makes these changes possible with a minimum of program changes. Integrated driver software minimizes the effects of hardware differences, ensuring high compatibility on the API level.
Supports the popular IoT languages Python and Linux standard gcc. Contains multiple sample programs.
The CPI Series includes a convenient terminal block that allows connection and disconnection of wired HATs, as well as push-type terminals for tool-free wiring.
Even if it is Raspberry Pi, you want a sturdy assembly, right? Accessories for practical installation are available.
RAS function expansion cardCPI-RAS
DIN rail mounting kitCPI-DIN01
Opto-coupler isolated digital I/OCPI-DIO-0808L
Opto-coupler isolated digital I/O (negative-common)CPI-DIO-0808RL
Opto-coupler isolated digital outputCPI-DO-16L
Opto-coupler isolated digital output (negative-common)CPI-DO-16RL
Opto-coupler isolated digital inputCPI-DI-16L
Solid state relay contact outputCPI-RRY-16
Isolated analog inputCPI-AI-1208LI
Isolated analog outputCPI-AO-1602LC
Isolated counterCPI-CNT-3201I
SPACER SET (x2) for Raspberry Pi 5CPI-SPA01-2
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In April 2021, Contec began sales of a Raspberry Pi compatible HAT-size expansion card based on the theme of "Raspberry Pi Support for Ease of Use in FA and Measurement Control Applications." This blog will introduce the concept and expected applications of Contec Raspberry Pi expansion cards.
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