New Product Release: ZM-C2H-PE C-Meter Card, a PC Card Measuring Instrument for Inspecting Mass-Produced Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors, which are Packing More Capacitance in a More Compact Size

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Contec Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Nishi-Yodogawa-ku, Osaka; President: Kazuyoshi Nishiyama) has developed the ZM-C2H-PE C-meter card for PCI Express, a PC card measuring instrument for inspecting mass-produced multilayer ceramic capacitors. Contec will begin taking orders for this new product on December 17, 2024.


Model Product Name
ZM-C2H-PE PCI Express Dual-Channel C-Meter Card

This new product is a C-meter card that is compliant with PCI Express bus and can measure electrostatic capacity (C) and coefficient of loss (D) at high speed and with high accuracy. Equipped with two channels for four-terminal measurements, a single unit of this product can incorporate the functions of two benchtop measuring instruments into a Windows PC, reducing the size and cost of inspection systems for electronic components.

In recent years, the demand for multilayer ceramic capacitors (MLCCs) and other types of capacitors has increased due to the growing popularity of smart devices like smartphones and the electrification of vehicles and other modes of transportation. In addition, there is a need for these devices to be more compact and to have longer battery life, leading to a trend toward smaller, higher-capacity MLCCs. The new product can measure electrostatic capacity (C) and energy loss coefficient (D) from 400 pF to 1400 µF, making it suitable for inspecting MLCCs with increasingly large capacitances.

As the production volume of electronic components increases, there are ongoing efforts to increase the number of inspection systems across multiple production lines. However, current challenges include the increased size of these systems and their communication speed. When setting up a multi-line inspection system using conventional benchtop measuring instruments, many measuring instruments are arranged in parallel, which results in a larger inspection system. In addition, Ethernet, USB, or GPIB communication interface is required between the instruments and the PC that processes the inspection results, increasing the takt time.

The new product is a PCI Express expansion card for the C-meter function, which has been the mainstay for benchtop instruments. In addition to reducing the size of inspection systems, it also reduces takt time through high-speed data processing that takes advantage of the high-speed PCI Express local bus.

Main Features

  • High-capacity ceramic capacitor measurement

    This product can measure the electrostatic capacity (C) and coefficient of loss (D) of 400 pF to 1.4 mF ceramic capacitors.
    Measurement frequencies of 1 kHz and 120 Hz and measurement voltages of 1.0 Vrms and 0.5 Vrms are available.

  • Equipped with two channels of four-terminal measurement ports

    It is equipped with two channels of ports that can perform four-terminal measurement of capacitor capacity, and each channel can be set with a separate range and perform measurement separately.

  • Capable of high-speed measurement

    The electrostatic capacity (C) and coefficient of loss (D) can be measured in 2 msec at a frequency of 1 kHz and in 10 msec at a frequency of 120 Hz.

  • Capable of capacity measurement at constant voltage

    This product has a function that automatically adjusts the output voltage so the voltage applied to the measurement target (capacitor) becomes the set voltage. Consequently, it is possible to measure the capacity of the capacitor with a constant measurement voltage at all times without being affected by voltage drops caused by, for example, the cable.

  • Built-in trigger synchronization signal output function

    This function applies a voltage to the measurement target only during measurement. This reduces changes in characteristics due to heat generated by the target. Furthermore, the measurement signal is not applied when the connection is changed, reducing contact wear.

  • Built-in contact check function

    This function checks whether all four terminals are connected during four-terminal measurement.

  • Built-in correction functions

    This product has built-in open and short-circuit correction functions for eliminating measurement errors caused by the measurement jig or cable.

  • API-ZM (WDM) Windows device driver available

    Windows applications can be created using the device driver API-TOOL provided on the Contec website. A diagnostic program that can check hardware operations is also provided.

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