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Capacitance mater Card for PCI Express
CAN2.0B communication card PCI Express compatible 4ch (isolated)
CAN FD communication card PCI Express compatible 4ch (isolated)
Analog Input PCI Express Card 64ch(16bit 1MSPS) / Bus master transfer - Multifunction DAQ G Series
Analog I/O PCI Express Card / 32ch AI (12bit 100KSPS) / 2ch AO Counter - Multifunction DAQ G Series
Analog I/O PCI Express Card / 32ch AI (12bit 1MSPS) / 2ch AO Counter - Multifunction DAQ G Series
Analog I/O PCI Express Card / 32ch AI (16bit 100KSPS) / 2ch AO Counter - Multifunction DAQ G Series
Analog I/O PCI Express Card / 32ch AI (16bit 1MSPS) / 2ch AO Counter - Multifunction DAQ G Series
Digital I/O Low Profile PCI Express card 16ch/16ch (5VDC on-board power supply isolated 5 - 36VDC)
Analog Input PCI Express Card / 4ch(12bit 10Ms/s)
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